Apple crumble is the ultimate cold weather comfort food. I like to experiment with mine, adding spices, nuts, oats and in this case, baking it in the apple its self. Does that make them crumble baked apples?
These spiced baked apple bundles were inspired by Taylor’s Tea who sponsored this recipe. They sent me some of their spiced apple tea to inspire some winter warmers and as I sipped, apple crumble was all I could think about.
I don’t know if you’re a herbal/fruit tea fan, but generally speaking, I am not. They all smell incredible but this is the first time I’ve ever felt they lived up to it on the taste test. I’ve developed a 4 cup-a-day habit on top of my usual coffee drinking. The spiced apple tea bags have no caffeine in so I’m not scooting around like ball of energy, I am however enjoying their sweet spiciness. Whenever I fancy something sweet, I put the kettle on. It feels good to satisfy the craving knowing it’s all natural and sugar free. When I’m feeling a little naughtier though, crumble apples tick the box:
As far as desserts go, this is a really quick way to serve up something pretty. It’s just as easy as making a huge tray of crumble so is great for feeding a crowd without sacrificing presentation. The apples do all the work for you in that department.
All you have to do is scoop out the middles, rub together the mix and spoon it in. If you like you can keep them in the fridge for a day or two at this stage. It’s a really easy going kind of recipe.
Aside from how luscious the baked apples becomes, I like that my crumble mix has some extras involved. Hazelnuts and jumbo oats give it so much more texture. If you’ve never tried adding things to the basic crumble mixture, you really must give it a go. Can you say “upgrade”?
Serve with cream, ice cream or simply on their own. They’re delicious whichever way.
- 4 Apples
- 50g Flour
- 25g Light brown sugar
- 25g Butter
- 50g Jumbo oats
- 50g Hazelnuts
- 1 tsp Mixed spice
- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celcius
- In a large bowl, add the flour, sugar and butter then rub together until breadcrumb consistency.
- Roughly chop the hazelnuts then add to the crumble mixture along with the oats and mixed spice.
- Using a sharp knife, cut the top 1cm off the top of the apples and hollow out with a spoon.
- Discard the core and pips from the removed apple and roughly dice the rest.
- Stir in to the crumble mixture then spoon in to the hollowed out apples.
- Place the apples in a baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until crisp on top.
- Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or drizzle with cream.
Let me know what you think