Before now, the thing that has always put me off making my own pizza base was having to leave it to rise. It can add an extra hour on to prep time and let’s face it, sometimes we just don’t have an hour to spare. Here’s a recipe that will skip the waiting time and leave you with a lovely thin, italian style crust.
I imagine this as the perfect recipe to get the kids involved with. They’ll love stirring the ingredients together and getting inventive with toppings (think smiley faces).
A drizzle of olive oil
Using a sharp knife, cut in to 3 or 4 individual portions.
With your oven at 220 degrees, preheat a large baking tray and start dreaming of your perfect topping. What’s in the fridge? It’s the perfect way to use up some left overs. Add whatever you fancy to your base and slide the whole thing in to the oven on the baking tray and a layer of greaseproof paper. I chose spinach and ricotta.
Mo Adore | Morag Lee says
This looks amazing – sometimes I want a pizza but can’t be bothered buying one or waiting for it to rise. Thank you!
Vicki Higham says
Let me know if you try it out! I often “just fancy a pizza” so it’s nice to be able to whip one up so quickly x
Nini Kat says
Hmm this sounds pretty good! I like my pizza thin and kind of crispy. I’ll have to try it! Thanks for the info, this is a great post 🙂
Vicki Higham says
Thanks Nini, let me know if you do 🙂 x
Eleanor Bryce says
Hi, when you say bread flour, is that strong white flour? And would it work with just pain or self raising if that’s all I had to hand?