I was in two minds wether to share this post, it has been sat in drafts for about 4months now because it’s almost too easy to blog about. Most of you will probably know how to make bolognese, and if you don’t you’ll probably just buy it in a jar. If you’re in that second group, this post is for you. I want you to see just how simple it is to make these things. I promise it will cost you less than the ready made version, it will taste better and just for bonus points you’ll actually know what you’re eating.
Technically this is a beef ragu, it’s much saucier than an authentic style bolognese but it’s the consistency I’m pretty sure most of the UK would expect when they think of a good bolognese.
To feed 6 adults you’ll need:
1 large onion2 Cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 Carrots
2 Celery sticks
1.5 Tsp oregano
1 Tsp basil
500g minced beef
800g tinned tomatoes (I like to use tinned cherry tomatoes)
2 Tsp tomato paste
Start by dicing your onion, carrots and celery (if we’re being fancy this is your mirepoix).
Add a glug of olive oil to a large pan and start to sweat your mirepoix and garlic down on a medium heat. You’re looking for the veggies to soften and the onion to turn translucent, it will take about 8 mins, there should be no browning at this stage.
Add your mince, stir to break up any clumps and cook until it starts to brown.
Now it’s time to add the remaining ingredients – tomato paste, herbs and tinned tomatoes.
Cover and allow to simmer for around 30mins or until the sauce has reduced to the consistency you’re looking for. At that point you need to taste it. Does it need more salt? Add plenty of ground black pepper.
This is best made in a big batch and split in to portions for the freezer. That way you always have some handy for Spagetti Bolognese or Lasagne and it’s just as convenient as a jar from the supermarket. It’s one of your five a day and because you cooked it, you know there are no hidden nasties.
So how does this work out cost wise? Asda tells me that to feed six, this is £2.19 (without mince), the equivalent in Dolmio’s would be £3.50. I think we have a winner.
Karen Todd says
red wine here! and served with pasta and salad to cut down on the carbs – silly health eating!
A.L.M. says
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